We Offer Discounts to Military Members and First Responders
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We want to give back to those who serve. That’s why we offer discounts on our services! All military members and first responders can enjoy inspections at a discounted price; just reach out to us to learn more about this offer.

hero septic testing harrisville pa

Septic Testing

You need to make sure that your septic system is functioning correctly. We can help you with your needs.

septic testing harrisville pa

Schedule a Septic Inspection with Professionals Based in Harrisville, PA, and Serving the Surrounding Counties

A&A Property Inspection is a full-service septic inspection company headquartered in Harrisville, PA. We are proud to serve the surrounding counties and can provide you with well and septic inspection service for your peace of mind. Reach out to a septic inspector today for more information.

The Inspection Service You Deserve

We offer a variety of services, including septic dye tests and water quality testing. A septic dye test is performed by dumping 5oz of dye into your system, running water for 45-60 minutes, then making sure no dye leaks through the ground. By getting this type of septic system inspection, you can ensure that your system is flowing properly.

We offer two different types of water inspection services: a comprehensive package (which includes E.coli testing, coliform testing, nitrate testing, lead testing, and a flow test) and a smaller package (which includes E.coli testing, coliform testing, and a flow test). For both types of tests, you’ll get an accurate reading of the bacteria levels in your water supply.

Reach Out to Us Today

Our team is dedicated to providing you with the most accurate information about your septic system so that you can make informed decisions about your home’s health and well-being. We are here for you every step of the way! Reach out to us to schedule a septic inspection and get a free quote. We are based in Harrisville, PA, and proudly serve the surrounding areas.